Hi out there,
you are wonderful. Thank you for visit my blog. I am trying to visit all if you from time to time but I do run out of time.
Today there is a few bloggers that I want to give a special awards to. This flowering award that makes my world shine is for Todays Flower.
If you want to see what is in blossom in my garden now even if it is winter have a look HERE!
The Quintessential Magpie The first time I meet this blogg - my husband was intressting since he like the namn of the blogg so that is one of the reasen I found her and now she has become my blogg friend.
eileeninmd Head over end read about light houses and see all of them.
BLOGitse If you have not been there you have to visit, it will make you smile to look at all "the green peas everywhere".
Stine in Ontario
Heidi Head over and read the story about fake bobbs!
Quasi Serendipita
Rambling Woods having meme Nature Note, every week you will find something interesting about nature and you can join your self - Thank you for doing this for us - I LOVE NATURE.
Luna Miranda
Light and Voices
Elisabeth She is play and playing and playing with the camera and show us a different world through the camera. Thank you for the photo of Todays Grandfather.
Carolyn Ford One of her blogs shows us the world in black and white. You can also see Grand Canyon and Sedona, Arizona USA - I have been there and it is unreal and SO beautiful I love it!
I made this Award for you!
Please take it and feel that I really like having you around
and it would make me very happy if you can pass it along
to other people that makes your world shine.
Ps. One more,
Nu tid för leriga knän och smutsiga skor.
12 timmar sedan