16 augusti 2010

Trädgårdstema 50 - "Röd" UTLOTTNING

TisdagTema- Blommigt!

Ser du vilka sorters blommor det är?
Måste frira att detta är min 50:e Trädgårdstema med en utlottning.
På bildern här nedan, utan att kika på andras kommentarer skriv de gruppor av blommor du ser så har vi en liten utlottning med fint pris.

Temat är rött som Ruby Teusday- Red

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Give away.

Do you see what kinds of flowers there are?
I am celebrating that this is my 50th Garden theme with a prize draw.
In the picture below, (do not look at other people's comments) write the groups of flowers you see.

Häng med på temat du också, visa något från trädgården med rött i!
Vill du vinna utlottningen, skriv vilka växter/växtgrupper du ser på varje bild.

Nästa veckas tema "Betong i trädgården"!

Förra veckan pratade jag om skörd i trädgården och min kära man fann följande artikel:

If you're looking to save money rather than to start a hobby, here are five garden crops likely to give you the best return:

Fruit trees. If you really want a return on your garden investment, plant fruit trees. Alexander planted one $14 peach tree, and it gives him more than 200 pounds of peaches every year. Yes, he sprays it every year with about $3 worth of fungicide and pesticides. (The sprayer cost $30.) In the Hudson Valley, he doesn't have to water fruit trees. At $1 per pound for the peaches, in the first year that he got a full crop, he had a 1,400% return (or a mere 339% if you throw in the cost of the sprayer and a few years' worth of spray). Try getting a return like that on Wall Street. It took Alexander five years to get a full crop, so it does require patience.

Lettuce. Can't wait five years for results? Try lettuce. You'll be eating the thinnings in two or three weeks. From a $2 package of mixed lettuce seed, you can have lettuce for months. A bag of spring greens costs about $3 at a store, so you recoup your investment with the first picking. Lettuce bolts -- goes to seed -- during the summer heat, so plant again in the fall.

Herbs. These can give you the fastest payback of all. Buy a pot of parsley or mint and you can nibble on leaves on the way home. A parsley plant costs about the same amount as a bunch of cut parsley from the produce department. Parsley in a pot, kept out of reach of slugs, will provide fresh herbs all summer and can be brought inside in the fall. Thyme, rosemary, sage and other herbs come back on their own year after year in moderate climates.

Vine vegetables. These are the most prolific crop producers by far. Zucchini and cucumbers are notorious. Put an 88-cent zucchini plant in your garden and, if cutworms don't get it, it will try to take over the neighborhood. In most parts of the country, you can grow more zucchini from one plant than you'll ever eat. The Alexanders grow a couple of cucumber plants, from which they make a dozen jars of pickles. They never buy pickles.

Bell peppers. You can pay $1.50 for one pepper, or you can use your $1.50 to buy one pepper plant that can produce six peppers or more. But first make sure peppers will grow in your part of the country."

HÄR hittade jag artiklen!

I have them in Macro Monday to - http://lisaschaos.com/

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